Importance of canine index in sex determination in Assiut Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University

2 Director of Dental Section in Directorate of Assiut


Identification of living persons and the dead bodies is of great importance in the practice of forensic medicine. Establishing sex is one of the main factors employed to know the identity. Teeth form an exceptional material in living as well as dead for forensic investigations; being available even in mutilated and decomposed bodies as they are chemically very stable tissue in the body. The present study was conducted in Assiut Governorate on 500 dental casts (234males and 266 females) of Egyptian population in Assiut Governorate at random to study the value of maxillary and mandibular canines in predicting the sex. It was observed that mean canine width in both jaws is greater in males as compared to females. Mean Canine index in Lower jaws was greater in males than females but the difference is found to be statistically insignificant.
 In conclusion The mandibular canines are found to be more reliable in sex determinations. The mesiodistal width of canines of both jaws is significantly greater in males than females. The mean mandibular canine width in females is 6.012 and it was equal in both sides and in males is 6.09in right side and 6.11 in left side.