Medicolegal Analysis of Reports of Sexually Abused Children Examined in Omdurman Mortuary (Sudan)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Department, Faculty of Medicine-Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

2 Forensic Medicine & clinical toxicology Department Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University

3 Forensic Medical Examiner – Forensic Medicine Corporation - Ministry of Health (Sudan)


Background: A serious public health issue that affects children and families is referred to by the interchangeable phrases child abuse and neglect, child maltreatment, and child victimization. Objective: To analyze 442 reports of suspected sexually abused children (SSAC) examined in Omdurman (2015-2019) regarding patterns of injuries, mechanisms and causes of death, mortality rate, and relationship between SSAC and alleged suspect. Methods: This retrospective study was carried out on data retrieved from reports of SSAC. Results: The year 2017 received the highest percentage of cases. The most common age group was between 5 years<10 years. 62.9% of SSAC were female. The most common type of sexual abuse was vaginal. 87.8% of cases had no relation with the alleged offender. Contusions were the most frequent general injuries. Head injuries were the most frequent regional injuries. Old tear of hymen and posterior fourchette were the most frequent local injuries. The highest mortality rate was in 2015. The most common mechanism of death was anoxic anoxia and the most common cause of death was blunt head Injuries. Conclusion: The highest percentage of cases was in 2017. The most common age group was between 5years<10years. Females were the most common sex. Most of SSAC had no relation with their alleged offender. Contusions and head injuries were the most frequent general and regional injuries respectively. Old tear of hymen and posterior fourchette were the most frequent local injuries. The highest mortality rate was in 2015. The most common mechanism of death was anoxic anoxia and the most common cause of death was blunt head Injuries. 


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